Sunday, November 26, 2006

3 Arrow Round

Thirty brave archers hit the boundry range for a three arrow all count round this Sunday, seering temperatures fixed any ambition to beat club or personal records with a number of archers failing to complete the round altogether. Temperatures hit 38 in the shade by the end of the shoot. Wade Hudson was the standout on the day shooting a barebow score most sighted shooters are happy shooting.


Name Score Grade
Josh Dolbel 1060 Boy Junior Open
Cameron Hill 630 Boy Junior Open

Christopher Patrick 505 Cub Boy Compound
Jarrod Stubbs 340 Cub Boy Compound

Sebastian Donovan 880 Cub Boy Open
Jackson Howes 750 Cub Boy Open
Mathew Jauja 545 Cub Boy Open

Ross Scott 580 Cub Boy Traditional
Brody Waterford 490 Cub Boy Traditional
Curtis Riordan 220 Cub Boy Traditional
Hayden Riordan 175 Cub Boy Traditional

Meg Jaeger 465 Cub Girl Open

Sammy Patrick 220 Cub Girl Traditional
Jackelyn Patrick 145 Cub Girl Traditional

Greg Donovan 1010 Mens Bowhunter Limited
Matt Sinclair 505 Mens Bowhunter Limited

Wade Hudson 1040 Mens Compound
Ken Thompson 900 Mens Compound
Ken Hill 675 Mens Compound
Ben Stubbs 235 Mens Compound

John Clark 1130 Mens Open
Ben Ireland 1125 Mens Open
Stuart Dolbel 1075 Mens Open
Steve Jaeger 1030 Mens Open
Jason Smith 835 Mens Open
Lloyd Jauja 285 Mens Open

Darrell Hudson 615 Mens Traditional

Karen Hudson 610 Womens Compound

Jodi Dolbel 930 Womens Open
Cassie Ireland 820 Womens Open

Next club shoot is on the 10th followed by the AGM and presentation party at Lloyds house. Manning Archers Christmas shoot is on this weekend, contact Jeff Jennings for more details.