A good field of 35 archers took to the boundry range to compete in the first club shoot for 2005. A 3arrow all count was shot with Ben Ireland putting in a very good performance after the Christmas / New Year break. Robert Porter also shot well in the Junior Boy division and Jodi Dolbel saw a big jump in performance after some minor equipment changes during the break. The next club shoot is Sunday the 13th of February. The first branch shoot will be at Boolaroo on the 26th and 27th of Feb.
Wade Hudson Boy Junior Compound 770
Ben Irwin Boy Junior Compound 440
Cameron Hill Boy Junior Compound 345
Ben Stubs Boy Junior Compound 335
Robbie Porter Boy Junior Open 890
Dean Thompson Boy Junior Open 855
Josh Dolbel Boy Junior Open 800
Jamie Thompson Boy Junior Open 420
Christopher Patrick Boy Junior Traditional 220
Keegan Patrick Cub Boy Compound 400
Damian Woodward Cub Boy Compound 345
Sebastian Donovan Cub Boy Open 560
Beau Gardner Cub Boy Open 320
Hayden Riordan Cub Boy Open 220
Shane Thompson Olympic 430
Jackelyn Patrick Cub Girl Traditional 325
Stacey Woodward Girl Junior Compound 420
Stuart Dolbel Mens Bowhunter Limited 905
Greg Donovan Mens Bowhunter Limited 875
Scott Porter Mens Bowhunter Limited 740
Philip Porter Mens Compound 835
Ken Thompson Mens Compound 805
Steve Woodward Mens Compound 540
Ken Hill Mens Compound 525
Karen Hudson Mens Compound 425
Peter Stubs Mens Compound 285
Ben Ireland Mens Open 1115
Steve Jaeger Mens Open 1000
Darryl Hudson Mens Traditional 515
Michael Patrick Mens Traditional 445
Helen Woodward Womens Compound 400
Jodi Dolbel Womens Open 680
Cassie Neuendorf Womens Open 660
Norma Culley Women Bowhunter Limited 505
Annette Gardner Women Bowhunter Limited 320