Archers from Tamworth, Armidale and Gunnedah enjoyed a perfect spring day at the Wondobah Archery Field last Sunday. Ben Ireland scored well, breaking the old club record by two points. Shane Thompson also set a new benchmark for the cubs.
Dean Thompson Boy Junior Compound 602
Jordan Carter Boy Junior Compound 380
Cade Rowland Boy Junior Compound 512
Jake Hopkins Boy Junior Compound 658
Robbie Porter Boy Junior Open 588
Sam Bates Boy Junior Open 786
Jamie Thompson Boy Junior Open 436
Josh Dolbel Boy Junior Open 636
Ben Irwin Boy Junior Traditional 424
Michael Romer Cub Boy Compound 460
Sebastian Donovan Cub Boy Open 368
Shane Thompson Cub Boy Traditional 304
Emelia Dolbel Cub Girl Compound 152
Stuart Dolbel Mens Bowhunter Limited 768
Gerry Culley Mens Bowhunter Limited 530
Matt Krug Mens Bowhunter Limited 554
Greg Donovan Mens Bowhunter Limited 714
Ken Thompson Mens Compound 580
David Buckingham Mens Open 716
Philip Porter Mens Open 646
Ben Ireland Mens Open 826
Max Romer Mens Open 374
Darryl Hudson Mens Traditional 502
Cassie Neuendorf Women Bowhunter Limited 492
Norma Culley Women Bowhunter Limited 514
Karen Hudson Womens Compound 280
Lisa Buckingham Womens Open 296
Jodi Dolbel Womens Open 506
Debbie Thompson Womens Traditional 160
For those of you who are into the hunting side of things be aware now that the NSW Game hunting licence has come into effect.
What this basically means is that if you wish to hunt deer on private land you will now require a NSW Game Hunting Licence. This is currently called a G-Licence.
The implementation of the NSW Game Hunting Licencing system is a staged process.
STAGE 1 has begun with the issuing of G-Licences.
STAGE 2 will commence in the next 6 to 12 months with the issuing of R-Licences to member of approved hunting clubs/organizations. A NSW Game Hunting Licence(Restricted), or R-Licence, will enable Qualified persons to hunt game species such as deer, as well as feral animals, on Declared public land in NSW.
Game Licences will be available through the club. Cost is $60.00 per year. For more information contact Stephen Jaeger.
With the introduction of this Licence any hunter that wishes to claim deer that is taken in NSW will now have to quote a game licence number as well.
If you wish to hunt feral pigs, goats, rabbits, foxes etc on private land you will not need a game licence.
I believe this will not have too much effect on the bowhunters within the branch because there are not too many of them.
With that in mind visitors from other states that wish to hunt deer in NSW will also have to have a Licence.